Thursday, June 13, 2013

Scrapbook Paper Camp Journals

In preparation for my responsibilities as a leader for Girl’s Camp this summer, I worked on making some Camp Journals for the girls to record their thoughts, set some goals, and document their experiences.  I made the journals out of scrapbook paper and they turned out nicely.  My experience of sewing only on fabric, I was not sure how difficult it would be to sew on paper and was pleasantly surprised how easily they came together.  Since I have been looking on the internet for ideas myself, I thought it only fair to share this idea with others.

A few things to consider:

The thicker, double sided scrapbook paper seems to be more sturdy as you sew pages together.

I used blue painters tape (pressed very lightly) to hold some of the papers together while I stitched them to keep the papers from sliding.

Just as with fabric, I backstitched at the beginning and end of each seam.


Front and back – cut on paper 9 ½” H X 12” W

Inside pocket – cut paper 4 ½” H X 12” W

Outside flap – cut paper 3 ½” W X 9 ½” H

Strip for flap – cut paper 1” W X 9 ½” H

Elastic – cut 12 ½”


Sew strip on the left side of the flap.

Line up inside pocket with wrong sides together.  Stitch sides and bottom. 

Place inside pocket side down and line up flap on the left side of paper.  This flap will fold over the right side of the journal.  Overlap about ½”.  Secure with blue tape if necessary.  Stitch two rows to secure.  Sew elastic in the center of the flap seam (make sure that elastic is not twisted.)

Fold the book in half (half meaning the 12” paper only –not including the flap.  Six inches is the front of the book and 6 inches is the back.)  The flap folds across the front of the journal.

Fold regular copy paper in half.  Line up the folded line of the paper with the folded line of the journal.  Center the top and bottom and stitch the paper in place.

The inside of the journal has a handy pocket for notes, handouts, etc.

 Pair these journals up with stick pencils and it is the perfect combination for campers.

photo image:

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